Suggestions, volunteer assistance, and donations by check can be accomplished through:
Upward Vets, Inc.,
P.O. Box 6017,
Boise, ID 83707
Direct donation deposits can be made to the Upward Vets, Inc. account at any Wells Fargo bank, or by
mailing to: Account of Upward Vets, Inc., c/o Wells Fargo Bank, 877 W. Main St., Boise, ID 83702. On the back of your
check, please print "For deposit only, to the account of Upward Vets, Inc."
Secure credit card donations may be made by clicking on the Paypal links in this website.
<< Click to donate now through PayPal security! |
Upward Veterans thanks these Veterans and citizens - some continuing and some new friends to
homeless Veterans - for their help!
D. Woody, NH
C & F Ornay, ID
E. McClintock, San Antonio, TX
B & B McNalley, MA
R. Cerveny, PayPal
P. Balaich, NM
H. Tellis, WY
P. Benecourt, ID
B. Platzer, PayPal
T. Carroll, VT
NWCFP citizens of Cascade, ID
Link: IDAHO Secretary of State |
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