Upward Vets, Inc.

Why are there ANY homeless Veterans?

?? WHY ??
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NEWS: AO in Okinawa
VA stiffs homeless Vets
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Story: Joe Young

  Unless citizens do something, now, the numbers will grow! 

The homeless men and women Veterans population has
consistently grown in the last few years
- while the VA has continuously lied to Congress and failed to address the growing tide according to law!
The increase in the population of Homeless Veterans is from our heroes of the Gulf War, and the War on Terrorism!  The people defending us today, are coming home to become homeless!     WHY?
"Why are there ANY homeless Veterans?"
Congress has discovered that VA refusals to address the problem as per existing Congressional mandates - including the illegal denials of registrations and funding to non-profit organizations for these purposes - have left the nation over 100,000 beds short for the reintegration of Homeless Veterans!
The VA's own "Fact Sheets" and reports to Congress state that the levels of Homeless Veterans have fallen to 200,000, while the VA fails to state that it reconfigured the way it categorizes and counts homeless Veterans in order to reduce the numbers in its reports.
When the VA's methods of categorizing and counting Homeless Veterans are reverted to the same methods that found the population to be over 280,000 in 2002/2003, the growth exceeds 500,000 as of 2006!
What is that the single largest way the VA, with lies and production of falsely reduced numbers? 
The VA counts our newest Veterans, to whom it has illegally denied continuing care, as housed and no longer part of the Homeless Veterans population - REGARDLESS OF THE ACTUAL HOUSING STATUS OF THOSE VETERANS !!
The VA has also refused - in direct violation of laws: the 1999 Veterans Millenium Act, 2001 Vets Act, 2003 Vets Act, and the 2005 Vets Act - to report to Congress on the actual numbers of Homeless Veterans housing beds created through the mandated VA grant funding of non-profit organizations.  VA states that it has no way to generate such detailed numbers.
The VA received federal funding specifically to build homeless Veterans domiciliaries throughout the nation!  How can the VA not be responsible to provide the numbers of beds and locations of those facilites to either Congress or the public?  How can the VA refuse to even notify Veterans of those beds and locations?
If they exist - as the funds granted the VA mandate them to exist - then how can the VA servce those homeless Veterans if the VA does not publicize the beds and locations?
What's the big secret? 
Certainly not that said facilities were Congressionally mandated and funded to be built!
Could it be that the reason the VA can not specify how many homeless Veterans beds exist in what facilities, because the VA used the homeless Veterans housing monies for something else, and NEVER built the domiciliaries congress mandated?
OR, was the money never actually given to the VA?  Perhaps it was siphoned into black ops accounts toward the war effort?
Could that be the very simple reason for all the VA lies regarding homeless Veterans and the supposed VA housing facilities - the funding was used for something other than mandated?
Would the G. W. Bush Presidency actually shaft the worst Veterans' disability of all, the mental, emotional, and physical anguish of homelessness? 
Would our President actually authorize government THEFT from the survival of disabled Veterans?
The DOD & VA projected in 2003 there will be more than 800,000
homeless men and women Veterans
by 2010  -  within  4  years!  The growth in the homeless Veterans population is exceeding their projections and at this rate will grow to well over
1  MILLION by 2010!
WHY does this outrageous desecration of the cost of your freedom continue?
WHY does Congress allow the VA to continue to get away with refusal to conduct itself as the law mandates, to refuse to report to Congress, and to repeatedly lie in the official reports it does offer - which is outright TREASON against the Constitution of the USA?
"Why are there ANY homeless Veterans?"

What would Upward Vets, Inc. do?
Upward Vets, Inc. plans to place one 100 bed homeless Veterans domiciliary to provide housing, food and a stable foundation from which men and women homeless Veterans can begin to build a new, sustainable lifestyle.
Then, by adding solid working relationships with existing programs and creating new programs to fill the gaps, UVI will create a working prototype homeless Veterans reintegration program.
With that prototype as a foundational template, UVI will offer the "how to" manuals and experienced consultants to help other organizations install duplicate programs in their areas.

Boise, Idaho has been selected as the prototype home city because of its population of <1300(2004)> 2000(2006) plus homeless Veterans and the lack of any homeless Veteran domiciliary facilities within the state.
There exist in Boise:
1) one of the best VA Medical Centers for Veterans counseling and homelessness issues, 
2) one of the best Veterans Outreach Counseling centers, 
3) a growing number of affordable housing options for those Veterans who transition to self sustained housing, 
4) an increasing pool of significant employers, 
5) an under-integrated series of assistive programs,
6) a bus terminal,
7) an international airport,
8) a major freight rail head,
9) a major NAFTA crossroads.
10) and, a major opportunity to cooperatively create the nations first fully integrated - seamless transitions - pathway for the reintegration of Homeless men and women Veterans into self-sustainable, partially supported, supported, and sheltered supported lifestyles.
Most importantly, a one hundred bed prototype domiciliary and its reintegration programs will have the highest positive impact percentages on a concentrated homeless Veterans population of the numbers found in Boise, Idaho.
The officers of UVI determined that if they were going to throw their lives into creating this domiciliary and its associated programs, it was going to be done where it would have a majorly significant, positive and lasting impact.

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